Visiting Writers Series: A Reading with Shane McCrae
UK Student Center
160 Avenue of Champions, Lexington, Kentucky 40526
Wednesday, September 18th
7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Admission Fee: Free!
Please join us for a reading by acclaimed poet, Shane McCrae as part of the University of Kentucky's Visiting Writers Series.
McCrae is the author of several books of poetry, including In the Language of My Captor, a finalist for the National Book Award. He has also written three poetry chapbooks, one nonfiction chapbook, and the memoir, Pulling the Chariot of the Sun. McCrae's poems have appeared in the Best American Poetry series, Poetry, The American Poetry Review, and other anthologies and journals. He is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Pushcart Prize.
Gatton Student Center Rm. 330