Agathe and Adrien: N.Ormes

Norton Center for the Arts

300 West Walnut Street, Danville, Kentucky 40422

Monday, May 12th
7:30pm - 9:30pm EDT
Admission Fee: $16 - $48

Blurring the lines between circus show, contemporary dance and performance art, N.Ormes invites audiences to question preconceived ideas. In this physically impressive and touching creation, duo Agathe Bisserier and Adrien Malette-Chénier push the limits and expectations of their own bodies and gender norms.

Recent graduates of the famed Circus School of Québec, Agathe and Adrien have developed a unique, highly physical circus and dance vocabulary. The duo has worked with renowned cirque companies on European tours and circus festivals worldwide.

N.Ormes will challenge you to question your own assumptions through a touching and intimate journey that will move you with a perfect blend of tears and laughter.

Recommended for ages 17 and older. Includes mature themes and brief nudity.