Savage Rising

The Loudoun House

209 Castlewood Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40505

Friday, February 7th
5:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Friday, March 21st
12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

Feb 7 | 5-8pm Artists' Reception

Feb 7-Mar 21 | Exhibition up

Rey Gonzalez

Savage Rising is an unapologetic expression of sexuality with an emphasis on counter-culture style. This exhibit will feature dark and sultry images of people empowered by their own body and by the passions they find and experience with others.  

The very word, “Savage,” was originally used to describe people who gave in to their carnal desires and engaged in what was often considered immoral. It is a word often used to describe hedonistic behavior. It is a word to describe that which brings about feelings we are not sure we should be having… or enjoying. This exhibition is an embrace of carnality and of the term, Savage.