48 Hours of Neukölln

48 hours of Neukölln is an international arts festival that invites hundreds of artists from Germany and around the world to exhibit work in spaces around the Berlin district of Neukölln, an area settled by Bohemians from Czechoslovakia in the 1800s. Like many events and programs, 48 hours of Neukölln had to pivot from an on-site art encounter to a virtual exhibition. Featured in this year’s event, among the over 200 participating international artists, are faculty and graduate students from the University of Kentucky’s school of Art / Visual Studies. The main festival page can be found here: https://48-stunden-neukoelln.de/de/festival/homepage

As group of ten in total, we each created an online gallery using the German company Kunstmatrix 3D online gallery platform. Here is a list of artists participating and their galleries: 

Becky Alley:  https://www.kunstmatrix.com/en/becky-alley

Marika Christofides:  https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/1291527/its-my-party-by-marika-christofides

Amalia Galdona Broche:  https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/1077808/altars-in-the-dwellings-of-memory

Frank Geiser:  https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/1313198/radiation-cathedral-by-frank-geiser

Jessica Page:  https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/1293644/places-of-self-by-jessica-page

Doreen Maloney:  https://48-stunden-neukoelln.de/de/event/boom-clouds-wolkenbruch and https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/976937/personal-weather-pers%C3%B6nliches-wetter 

The 2D Galleries:

April Wright:  https://art.kunstmatrix.com/taxonomy/term/52404

Louise Goodpasture:  https://art.kunstmatrix.com/taxonomy/term/66680

Jonathan Forrence:  https://art.kunstmatrix.com/taxonomy/term/57751

Hannah Smith:  https://art.kunstmatrix.com/taxonomy/term/54559

We will be giving virtual zoom tours of these galleries during the following times (US times) and you can register for a tour at this site: https://48-stunden-neukoelln.de/de/event/boom-clouds-wolkenbruch

June 19th, Friday: 1pm - 3 pm US time 

June 20th, Saturday: 6 am - 10am US time 

June 20th, Saturday: 12 pm - 4 pm US time