CivicLex Digital Town Hall - COVID-19 & Arts Organizations

Remote Event

40508, Lexington, Kentucky

Thursday, April 9th
3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

The entire purpose of most Performing Arts Organizations and many Visual Arts Organizations is to gather people together and share in the same cultural experience. In a time of social distancing, this becomes nearly impossible. In this Digital Town Hall, we'll talk about how the COVID-19 Crisis is impacting Non-Profit Arts Organizations, and what strategies organizations are using to still fulfill their mission. We’ll have three featured guests: Allison Kaiser of the Lexington Philharmonic, Bo List of Athens West Theater, and Emily Moses of the Kentucky Arts Council.

All you need is a phone or computer to join!

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This part of a series of Digital Town Halls that CivicLex has developed to keep people informed, engaged, and connected during a time of social distancing. All Town Halls are open to the public and are facilitated by CivicLex Staff. During the forum, participants will have opportunities to talk with each other about the topic at hand. Our Digital Town Halls have a maximum participation of 250.